Saleem Hadi
I’m a hybrid storyteller infusing film and theatre across my social narrative productions, a filmmaker and bilingual writer, contributing heavily to Singapore’s arts and media industry since 2001. I am running my own company, BLACSPICE MEDIA, a media-enrichment company specializing in media/arts programmes and doing media productions. I’ve produced and directed 20 short films till date of which some have won in competitions and shown at festivals . In 2017, I won the 1st Prize for my English short story in the National Arts Council’s prestigious Golden Point Award Literary Competition. In 2021, I was awarded Singapore’s SKILLSFUTURE FELLOWSHIP AWARD from President Halimah Yacob for my immense contributions to the media-arts industry as both a practitioner and educator. I’m currently championing a nation-wide Indian short film archival project, THEINDBOX, under my non-profit arts organisation, Singapore Indian Theatre & Film Explorers (S.I.T.F.E.).